Some great challenges again this week! Keep working hard to run your best time and then beat it
Session 1
4 x 1 mile with a full recovery between. 2-3+ minutes of walk/jog/stationary recovery to get ready for the next rep. Aim for your 5k pace on the reps but sit a touch slower to start with and see how you feel after the second rep. This is a big workout so if you've not been running sessions that much (like me) just do it at a tempo pace to start with and progressively increase each rep Session 2-
Nice and simple hill sprint session! 10-15 x 10 second hill sprints. Recover on the way back down. Maintain a tall posture, drive with the knees, land your feet underneath you every step to increase strength and improve injury resilience
Warm up and cool down as always (10-15 mins each) and any questions just give me a shout