NAC logo v1
NAC logo v1
Training 9th March

Can anyone else see the light at the end of the tunnel? Through the mountains of shoes we've all ordered from sportshoes πŸ˜πŸ‘ Well done Scott, you will Deffo need some new shoes now! πŸ’ͺ

As the days are warming up sessions are also heatimg up with the hope of a couple of races on the horizon 🀞(on that note "iso run club" have a great 10 mile virtual race on the 24th of April with loads of spot prizes)

Session 1-
Im sick of Katie asking so 400s it is 😳
8-12 x 400 meter reps with 1 minute recovery (increase the rest if you need to)
Short sharp session with an aim at 5k pace but coming out of a cold winter may mean you need to slow it down and work on speed mechanics and concentrate on form through each rep and reduce the pace a touch ⬅️that's what I will be doing πŸ˜‚

Session 2-
Hilly Fatlek run.. Pick an undulating 4-6 mile and give it some beans on the up hill or the downhill if you fancy. Vary the length of the speed sections. It might sound crap but have fun with it, work on your strengths and weaknesses consciousley. πŸ’ͺ

Keep working hard week in week out and the results will pay off but most importantly warm up and cool down week in week out and you (probably) won't get injured πŸ˜‚

Any questions just ask, cheers!