NAC logo v1
NAC logo v1
Training 5th April

What a weekend for the club! Fantastic effort from every single person getting back to racing after so long without those nerves and expectations! The support and motivation is exactly what this club is about and it's great to see.. Lets keep the momentum going this week with some top notch effort in the sessions.

Session 1-
6 x 0.5 mile with 90 seconds recovery. 5k pace for those that haven't raced and a comfortable effort with whatever your legs will allow if you have raced.

Session 2-
Hilly Fartlek is on the menu again because it allows you to get comfortable with harder efforts on the hills. Hopefully this will encourage us all not to avoid the easy route so it looks good on that orange app beginning with S.

Finally.. A couple of thoughts to mull over for everyone- getting the club back together on Tuesday nights (to begin with for me) is my goal. By no means will it be anything like it used to be at first but I think it would be good to get us together again. With new members and old members all finding their feet again I think it would be a step in the right direction. I've seen lots of us out doing sessions on Tuesday as it is and there's plenty of space around the dock to get into our groups (as we are) but together as a club. Sessions would still go into WhatsApp as they are but we would have the purpose and accountability of going to do the session and hopefully encourage people to get down that have maybe fell off the radar a bit. As well as this the club trail/fell division will also be stepping it up a gear as well if that's what you are into and we will be incorporating a mixed return to club runs… The aim is to provide something for everyone as we return to "business as usual". It will be a very cautious approach and if you have any thoughts let me know!

Cheers, Ryan (& apologies about the essay) 😂