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NAC logo v1
Training 25th April

Hello all,

With the weather looking good until Tuesday at 4 (rain) I think we will give a track session a go this week! Fingers crossed it doesn't actually rain!

(Up to) 12 x 400 metres. (more if you are mad) 😂 you will NOT need to set a watch for this session but definitely need to know where your lap button is (and count to 12)👌 I would recommend trail shoes or spikes because the track is grass at the sports centre.. If it rains heavily we will move it back down to the good old docks (but I doubt that 🙄)

10 x 20 second hill sprints! Maximum effort with full recovery 👍 make sure there's a good 15-20 minute warm up before this one!

Let us know which session you will be on this week & as always if you've got any questions at all give me a shout 😁