NAC logo v1
NAC logo v1
21st September
By admin_Andy | |
Sessions on as usual tomorrow but I will tell you
13th September
By admin_Andy | |
Well done to everybody going out and smashing it this
6th September
By admin_Andy | |
Welcome aboard to our new starters this week 👍This weeks
Training 30th August
By admin_Andy | |
Tomorrows speed session will be a classic set of reps
Stephen Scullion Training videos
By admin_Andy | |
Stephen Scullion's YouTube channel has videos covering all aspects of
2nd August
By Brian Taylor | |
Evening all, tuesdays run this week will be from the
Thursday 29th July
By Brian Taylor | |
Club run this Thursday will be at 6pm from the
Training 12th July
By admin_Andy | |
We will keep it simple this week with a classic
Training 5th July
By admin_Andy | |
28th June
By admin_Andy | |
This week the Tuesday session will be-2 x 1 mile
Training 21st June
By admin_Andy | |
16th June
By admin_Andy | |
We have 400s on the menu again this week!!The aim
6th June
By admin_Andy | |
We've got a hill session on the cards tomorrow -Back
21st May
By admin_Andy | |
Mixed distance reps tomorrow, no need to set your watches!6:10