NAC logo v1
NAC logo v1


We try to ensure that all of our members are made to feel welcome at every session and plan our club activities to cater for a wide range of abilities. We do this this by offering a choice of easily modified routes, training plans or by running in similar ability groups.

All that we ask is that you can manage to run around 4 miles (pace doesn’t matter!) as many of our sessions will involve covering at least this distance. 

  • Tuesday is generally a road-based interval or speed-based session, usually starting from Netherhall Community Sports Centre at 6pm. Thursday is generally a mixed terrain, steady-paced run, completed in similar ability groups and starting from a different venue each week. A Sunday Social is organised on average once per month, usually on the trails or fells (weather permitting), with the emphasis on a having a run and a craic. These runs will very often finish at a pub or café. We use the Spond app to advertise training runs. .

  • Have a look at our recent training programms in the member's section of the website.
Crummock 27th June